

Military & Figures - Pure Fascination in the Revell Modellbau Shop

The Revell figures from the Military & Figures category captivate young and adult model building fans alike. Whether it's the military vehicles from the Second World War or the modern times , Soldier figures or historical Figures from the wars of earlier times - the models impress with their contemporary history, perfect and detailed conception.

Functionality, first-class and great attention to detail

From Revell tanks to tractor cars to soldier figures in the military, authentically depict the exquisite model series of bygone times. For example, it is extremely exciting to hold the Revell model of the medium tractor of the German Wehrmacht in your hands. This half-track vehicle was used in particular as an artillery tractor in World War II and was mainly used for heavy guns.

Striking features of the Revell models are the ultra-fine surface structure, the detailed interior and the chassis with a replica drivetrain. The package also includes authentic decals for the corresponding army groups or tank divisions, which have also been produced in elaborate detail.

The unique variety of Revell Modellbau figures

Revell offers a wide, extremely high-quality range of vehicles and figures from the military sector or from the eras of the First and Second World Wars. Historical events, battles, but also war-relevant personalities, vehicles and much more are portrayed in the form of excellently thought-out characters. Examples are the onslaught of the German army on France at the beginning of the First World War and the heavy fighting in the trenches that followed. The armistice, which was sealed on 11 November 1918, also heralded the end of the war.

The impressive models of the German, British and French infantrymen, whose equipment and clothing correspond to the year 1914, successfully reflect the will to fight and the strength of character of the men. The fine facial features and the authentic poses of the figures also attract the attention of Revell lovers.

Military and Figures from the Modern Age

The First and Second World Wars had a lasting impact on Germany. Revell has picked up on the zeitgeist from these eras in a unique way with its military figures and vehicles. But also the soldiers and guards from the post-war period or from our present era are impressively reproduced by Revell.

The individual figures of the military as well as the model kits are characterized by their high quality. Thus, the British armies of infantrymen, the world-famous Swiss Guard, but also the Italian Carabinieri, the Bundeswehr, Republican Guards, the Queen's Guards, US Navy as well as the German Crisis Response Forces, further highlights of Revell. All these figures convince with their precise nature and loving detail work.

Historical figures

Special pieces from the segment of Revell's historical figures are the Seven Y.War from the Austrian Dragoons and Prussian series, which are designed on a scale of 1:72. They reflect the time of the Seven Years' War from 1756 to 1763, in which all the great powers of Europe fought with each other. The set of this series includes numerous armed soldiers in different poses, trumpeters and tambours as well as horses in magnificent optics.

Other highlights of Revell are the military figures of the ANZAC Infantry on a scale of 1:35. Here, the focus is on the Army Corps of Australia and New Zealand during the legendary Battle of Gallipoli in 1915. The extensive range of accessories and the numerous armament options of the military will not only delight Revell lovers.